How many courses do I need to take in a semester?

Staying up to date with your academic progress and outstanding requirements will help ensure that you complete your program and graduate as quickly and as simply as possible. Your myAcademic Requirements report will capture your academic performance and progress for your program of study.

The myAcademic Requirements report will capture:

  • Courses taken that have satisfied your program requirements
  • Courses in progress
  • Grades
  • Outstanding course required to complete your program.

  1. Sign into MyStudentCentre.
  2. To access your MyAcademic Requirements report click the "Academic Requirements" link in the drop-down menu under Academics.

Image of MyAcademic Requirements, in My Student Centre, with an arrow pointing to the left-hand navigation drop-down menu.

Note: The report will also list courses taken within the program, but not used to meet the program requirements (i.e. failed courses, withdrawals, repeat courses). In addition, courses taken by the student that fulfill program requirements that extend beyond 5 years will be identified. It is important to recognize that although the courses identified here will satisfy the student’s program requirements, they may not satisfy the graduation requirements. Approval may be necessary to allow these courses to be used for graduation purposes.