Navigating your Academic Requirements

Your Academic Requirements can be found in myStudent Centre. Your Academic Requirements provide you with a breakdown of which courses you are required to complete during each of your semesters. It will list the following:

  • Courses taken that have satisfied your program requirements
  • Courses in progress
  • Grades
  • Outstanding courses required to complete your program

Your Academic Requirements will show you how many credits and courses you need to take to meet the requirements to complete your program. As shown in the example image below, this program requires 24 courses or 89 credits to be completed. It also shows you how many courses or credits you have yet to complete.

All of your courses are broken down by semester. If you have an assigned timetable, check your schedule to make sure you have been enrolled in all the necessary courses for that semester. You will not be automatically enrolled in general electives. It is the student’s responsibility to choose an elective before the deadline to add a class (May 17). If you are building your own timetable, follow your academic requirements and add the courses listed for the relevant semester.

If you are out of sync with your program map or academic requirements and have not taken all the required courses in your semester, you will need to meet with your student advisor or program advisor, if applicable, to get back on track.

Image of program requirements page in My Student centre

Completed courses

Completed courses will be marked with a checkmark within a green circle under the status column.

Image of completed courses with a Green Check mark in My Student Centre

Courses in progress

Courses in progress will be marked with a yellow diamond.

Image of a course in progress in My Student Centre with a yellow diamond.

Program courses not used

If applicable, you will also see ‘Program Courses Not Used’. This section lists courses taken within your program but are not used to meet the program requirements (i.e. failed courses, withdrawals, repeat courses).

Image of program courses not used in My Student Centre