How is my OSAP released to me?

Your OSAP funds are automatically sent to Sheridan to pay your tuition and fees once your enrollment is confirmed – it takes between 5–10 business days for your funding to be received. The amount sent to Sheridan is based on your outstanding balance as of the day your enrolment is confirmed. If you have paid your fees in full prior to the release of OSAP funds (i.e., your balance is $0), then no OSAP funding will be sent to Sheridan. 

Full-time OSAP: you should anticipate receiving your OSAP funds in two installments. For a two-term study period, approximately 60% of the funding is released in the first term, and the remainder in the second term. 

Part-time OSAP (20 – 59% of a full course load): you must complete the Part-Time OSAP application each semester. The Financial Aid and Awards Office begins updating program details for Part-Time OSAP applications in the order of the date they are received and begins after the 10th day of class. Part-Time OSAP funding is released after enrolment is confirmed (usually completed 1–2 weeks after program details are provided).