Visa and Permit Support
What is a post-graduation work permit (PGWP)?
The post-graduation work permit (PGWP) allows students who have graduated from a participating Canadian post-secondary institution to gain valuable Canadian work experience.A PGWP may be issued for the length of your program up to a maximum of three yea...
Study Permit Requirements
If you have in-person/hybrid courses, a copy of your study permit OR its approval letter is required.The following documents can be accepted as the approval letter:study permit approval/confirmation letterstudy permit initial approval/letter of introduc...
How can I get some help to apply for a Co-op work permit?
If you need help to apply for your co-op work permit or have questions about the application process and what you may need for the application, our team of International Immigration Advisors offer workshops to assist you through this.Workshop goals:Guid...
How to submit study permits or immigration documents
As an international student, if you have in-person/hybrid courses, a copy of your study permit OR its approval letter is required before you start your program.The following documents can be accepted as the approval letter: study permit approval/confirm...
I submitted my study permit but can’t see my timetable
There are a few scenarios that can explain why you cannot view your timetable despite already having submitted your study permit:Student accounts without study permits have holds placed on them. From the time that you submit your study permit, it can ta...