What is a Social Insurance Number (SIN)?

A Social Insurance Number is a nine-digit number that you need to work in Canada or access government programs. Please visit the Government of Canada website to learn more.

Why am I required to provide Sheridan College with my Social Insurance Number (SIN)?

Due to changes in the Canadian Income Tax Act over the past few years, Sheridan College is now required to collect Social Insurance Numbers (SIN) in order to issue T2202 tax forms for students who have paid fees. To learn more, please visit the Government of Canada’s T2202 update page.

How will Sheridan protect my SIN?

Sheridan College safeguards all of your personal information, including your SIN. Only Sheridan College staff that require your SIN to perform their job duties (Finance and Financial Aid and Awards) will have access. The Social Insurance Number (SIN) is required to be on the T2002 form as per the Government of Canada’s Income Tax Act.

How can I apply for a SIN?

Please see the Government of Canada's Employment and Social Development website, which provides details on eligibility and the documentation needed in order to apply for a SIN.

I don't know my SIN. What should I do?

You may refer to a previous income tax return or you can request a confirmation of SIN.

Can I access my T2202 if I have not securely submitted my SIN?

If you do not securely submit your SIN, your T2202 form will include “999999999” in this field. Providing the correct SIN will help you claim your tuition tax credit, so it’s in your best interest to do so. If you don't provide your SIN, you may also incur a  $100 penalty (section 237 of the Income Tax Act).

I am an international student. Am I eligible for a T2202?

If you’re an international student and would like to file a Canadian tax return, you can apply for an Individual Tax Number (ITN) by completing the following form:

T1261 Application for a Canada Revenue Agency Individual Tax Number (ITN) for Non-Residents.

Please be aware that the ITN must be treated the same way as a SIN.